BPG BPG Beratungs- und Prüfungsgesellschaft mbH
Melanie Hartmann

New to the team: Melanie Hartmann

HR, Crowe BPG

What is your name?
Melanie Hartmann

What did you do before Crowe BPG?
Before joining Crowe BPG, I spent almost six years at Deloitte, then six years at Ernst & Young and one year at Grant Thornton in Düsseldorf, both as a team and partner assistant.

What are your tasks at Crowe BPG?
I have been hired as a team assistant in the tax department. I will hopefully provide support in all areas in the long term. From accepting mandates to invoicing the assignment.

What are you looking forward to in your new job?
I'm looking forward to working in a nice team and taking on new tasks.

What three words best describe you?
Honest, reliable, open

If you were a superhero, what superpower would you have and why?
I would like to be able to conjure up invisibility sometimes. I have a talent for embarrassing actions. Sometimes I would just disappear.

Do you have a favorite quote or motto that accompanies you in life?
Et kütt wie et kütt and et hätt still jot jejange.

Why did you become a foreign language correspondent/team assistant?
After living and working in the UK for a year after completing my training, I knew that I wanted the English language to accompany me throughout my career. I also enjoy working with Excel, Word and DATEV.

What hobbies do you pursue in your free time? What are you passionate about?
I've been doing yoga in my free time for nine years. I also go jogging and walking. When my free time is longer, I like to go on vacation. Either with our camper van or flying to the sun.

What don't you like at all?

And last but not least... what can someone do to make you happy?
I appreciate small, sincere gestures.
