Crowe International
Well positioned worldwide
Through our membership of Crowe, we have access to experts in all major countries around the world.
Crowe is a global network of auditors and tax advisors with over 200 member firms and more than 40,000 employees in 146 countries. Crowe is the 9th largest independent audit and advisory firm in the world.
We use our membership of Crowe to provide our clients with a high level of cross-border support. We can call on our international partners in the various countries at any time and thus provide you with the best possible support quickly and competently.
For further information on Crowe Global, we recommend the website https://www.crowe.com/global.
Our network in Germany
Since July 2020, we have been part of Crowe Global, one of the tenth largest networks of independent audit and advisory firms. Almost 4,000 partners and over 40,000 employees work at more than 200 companies in 146 countries.
In addition to BPG, four other companies belong to the Crowe Germany network. In total, we are represented in ten cities in Germany.
Crowe Frankfurt
Dr. Kleeberg & Partner
RWT Reutlinger Wirtschaftstreuhand GmbH
Charlottenstraße 45-51
72764 Reutlingen
+49 7121 489 201